How to create an archive? Print

  • directadmin
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Archives reduce the consuming disk space by compressing the multiples files into one. There are different types of archives available which you can create .zip, .rar, .tar, tar.gz, etc.

In the DirectAdmin control panel, you can create multiple types of archives (tar.gz, .zip).

1. First, to login into the DirectAdmin control panel visit: https://server-hostname:2222

2. Navigate to System Info & FilesFile Manager.

3. Navigate to the required directory → Select the Files or Directories.

4. Next, click on “:” → Select Add to archive.

5. Enter the required information,

Path: Specify the path to store the archive.

Name: Enter the name for the archive file.

Type: Select the type of archive from the drop-down. Here you have two options tar.gz and .zip.

6. Finally, click on COMPRESS.

Congratulations! You have successfully create archive in DirectAdmin.

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