Install and Configure BorgBackup Print

  • backup, BorgBackup
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BorgBackup is a deduplicating backup program. Compression and authenticated encryption are also supported as options.

Step 1 - Installation

Some distributions might offer a ready-to-use BorgBackup package which can be installed with the package manager.


apt install borgbackup


dnf install borgbackup

Create backup folder

mkdir /mnt/backup

Step 2 - Workflow with BorgBackup

Backup ~/Documents into an archive named "documents"

borg create /mnt/backup::documents-{now:%Y-%m-%d} ~/Documents

Full system backup

If you want to backup the entire system on your Linux server, you should remember that not all files and folders belong in a backup. Some should be excluded by default.
For this, the create command has an --exclude option or you can specify an exclude file.

Here is an example call to BorgBackup create for a backup of the complete system:

borg create -v --stats \
/mnt/backup::'{now:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M}' \
/ \
--exclude /dev \
--exclude /proc \
--exclude /sys \
--exclude /var/run \
--exclude /run \
--exclude /lost+found \
--exclude /mnt


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